This photo pretty much sums up this week. There is no denying there is a baby in there now.
I finally went maternity shopping and I now know why everyone told me I was crazy for putting it off. Maternity pants > Real pants. I mean, they are like real pants that merged with stretchy pants. It's a dream come true. And since we are more than halfway through the summer (real summer, not that official summer that starts in June business), I've been able to find a lot of things on sale, which is nice because I'll have to buy more things when the weather turns colder. A December due date is not ideal for maternity shopping. Since it's warm here through Sept, I'll need bump clothes for two seasons. I even bought a maternity swimsuit this week. It was traumatic, but it fits so I bought it.
We shopped for baby gear on Saturday. We mostly looked at strollers, car seats and rocking chairs/gliders. I thought it would be more overwhelming, but it was actually kind of fun. Nothing makes you feel like a boss quite like figuring out how to open and close a stroller on your own. I feel like if we can conquer baby gear, we can conquer anything. We have an early favorite for a stroller/car seat system that we both really liked so now all others will compare.
Skippy, you are becoming more fun every day. They say you can hear us now and your Dad has been taking full advantage of that. He loves to talk to you. So far, he's told you all about his favorite sports teams and taught you a little bit about music too. Most importantly, he told you that it's best to let Mom think she is always right. Your Dad is a smart man.
As for me, I mostly talk to you when I'm blaming you for something - like my desire to always eat or my inability to get up the stairs as quickly as I used to. But please don't take offense. It's not because any of this is your fault per se, but you are an easy target since you can't talk back. I felt you move this week! You don't move all the time, and it's not quite strong enough for anyone else to feel. It's almost like we share a little secret right now, but I'm sure you'll be kicking up a storm soon.
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