Caramel rolls. The big theme this week has obviously been caramel rolls. I just can't get over the response to the recipe. By far, the best part has been hearing from people far and wide who have the same nostalgia over these rolls as I do. It took a long time for me to find a recipe that was comparable, and it makes me really happy to know that I've shared a little piece of home with so many people. Here are a few of comments that have warmed my caramel roll loving heart:
"My mother had a local cafe in the small town of York ND and always had these ready for when church got out. That was in the 70's and they were the best. I make them now also. Great treat."
"These look like what was served to us in school in Tulsa, OK on chili day! Have wanted the recipe for years and I am hoping this is the one! Tried a different recipe for Christmas, only to be disappointed. Can't wait to try these!"
"They are nowhere to be found in Colorado so definitely going to be trying this recipe. Thanks!"
Dubai. We booked a trip to Dubai this week! We aren't actually traveling until the first week of March, but on a miserable day like today, I'm dreaming about the warm desert. Our friend Rob is there on a state department assignment, and he has graciously agreed to host us. Rob is one of my favorites - I'm not sure if I'm more excited about seeing him or seeing Dubai!
Baby Shower. Speaking of good friends, I'm hosting a baby shower for my lovely friend Melissa tomorrow. She's a faithful blog reader, and we've mostly kept her in suspense about the shower, so I can't share too many details today, but I promise to do a full post next week. I'm so excited for her and Peter and baby boy Saharko. I can't wait to love on that little one when he arrives in early March!

Spiced tea. Over Christmas, Jon's grandmother Mee Maw made us all a cup of her spiced tea. Some people call it Russian tea. I call it Tang tea. Either way, I hadn't had it in a long time, but I've been craving a second cup ever since. I whipped up a batch at home yesterday straight from Mee Maw's cookbook. I brought some to work today to share - it's perfect on this rainy day. It couldn't be easier: 2 cups tang, 1/2 cup instant tea w/lemon (or add a few teaspoons of instant lemonade mix if not using lemon tea), 1 cup sugar, ground cinnamon & cloves to taste.
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