Kitchen Island. We have an island. Even more impressively, we have an island that Jon and I assembled. But most impressively, we have an island that Jon and I assembled, and Jon and I are still happily married. Success. It's the last big piece to the kitchen, which I guess means it's done. We still need to hang some things on the wall, and I would love to find some shelves for my cookbooks, but for now, I'm closing the book on this one. Maybe I'll actually get around to doing a proper before & after blog post now!
Turks & Caicos. In one week, we'll be hanging out here. I. Can't. Wait. We need a vacation real bad. We're renting this house with my sister, brother-in-law, and parents. It's perfect timing because we could all really use a vacation for one reason or another. Normally I'm all about the turkey and fixings, but with this view for a week, that's all gravy. [That pun was for you, Jon. Although I'm not even sure Jon reads my blog. This will be a test.]
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