We took Charlie outside for a little bit on Saturday while the snow was still falling. He is not a fan of being cold so it's no surprise that he didn't love the experience. We only made it a step outside our front door before he protested. He didn't like the snowflakes hitting his face.
We were really lucky. Jon had been in Charlotte all week for work. My mom came to help while he was gone. All week, we knew it might be tricky to get him home and her out before the storm hit. I was not looking forward to possibly being snowed in by myself! Jon was scheduled to fly back Friday morning and Mom was flying out Friday afternoon. We learned Thursday evening that the Charlotte airport was going to be completely shutdown on Friday, but by some miracle, Jon was able to get on the last flight out Friday night. He made it home around midnight. DCA closed at 3:00 pm Friday, Mom was able to fly out just in time at 12:00 p.m.
We've been hunkered down watching a lot of netflix and snuggling with Charlie...not that different from my typical day at home. My how life has changed. :)
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