
Monday, January 7, 2019

leo is 10 months

I took the photo a day early this month, but I'm almost 2 weeks late with the post. That's what happens when a monthly milestone falls on Christmas. It just means I have all kinds of fun things to report...and probably not as much to say in 2 weeks when I do this again. :)

I think you hit another growth spurt recently because looking at you today, you just look so massive. You barely fit in your infant car seat. You have outgrown many 12-18 month clothes, and while you are still in size 4 diapers, I bought some size 5s to try and you can easily fit into those as well. You also have two new teeth and more on the way.

Your interaction has been off the charts this month too. It's so fun to see more personality coming out. You are picking up new skills left and right. You learned how to clap at the beginning of the month, and you even recognize that you are supposed to clap when we start singing "if you're happy and you know it..." Tonight, Dada successfully taught you how to high five. You can turn the pages in books, and you've started to point at things. You think it's so fun when Dada points at you and you point back. It's very ET of you both.

You also started "talking" this month. I probably remember it so clearly because it was Charlie's 3rd birthday, and I was already lamenting how quickly my boys are growing up. You woke up that morning and turned on the babble like flipping a switch. All kinds of "dada" "baba" "gaga" noises with lots of new variation. I hate to admit it, but we hear a lot more "dadada." There's still hope because nothing has sounded like an official first word yet, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose that one.

You may say "dada" first, but in my heart, I know you're a mama's boy. This can be both good and bad. Sometimes only mama will do, and you don't like not being in my presence. Even in Oklahoma for New Years, you were pretty clingy with mama - often nuzzling into my chest when others wanted to hold you. You did warm up to people after a few days or as long as I stayed within few/didn't leave for too long. I'm not sure when we'll attempt a babysitter again. I'm afraid it wouldn't go well.

Sleeping and eating remain the same. You weren't a great sleeper over this last month or while we were in Oklahoma - not terrible, but not the dream baby you were on our last trip. I'm hoping we can get back to sleeping through the night now that we are home. You still love solids and eat anything put in front of you. We've successfully weaned down to 4 nursing sessions/day. We have skipped morning nap a time or two lately without too much trouble. I think you'll probably be ready to drop your morning snooze on the earlier side, which is fine by me since it usually means an even longer afternoon nap.

You were a good traveler again. Even though we got delayed landing in OK and then had to wait a looong time for a gate and our luggage, you were such a champ. On the way back home, we had an early, early flight and you fell asleep on my shoulder before we even took off!

You are really getting around cruising these days, but you aren't quite brave enough to take a step. I have caught you standing for a second or two after letting go, but you always get down to crawl from point A to point B. You'll use anything as a push toy to help you walk around - chairs, stools, small tables, boxes, etc. Perhaps most exciting this month, you learned how to navigate the step down into the living room. Now I can worry just a tad less about you bonking your head every time I turn around.

Your favorite toy is whatever Charlie is playing with at the moment. This works out great since 3 yr old's love to share. Insert eye roll. It's definitely been a little more love/hate recently. You both have great moments of hugging, laughing, tickling (Charlie loves to pretend to be the tickle monster getting you) and reading books together, but also some more challenging moments of stealing toys and hitting/pushing. You do love bath time together, and my favorite thing is when you talk to each other. If you are babbling, Charlie will make those same repetitive sounds back and forth with you. Charlie also loves to share his food with you. This is normally fine, but I've had to intervene a few times before he shoved a whole grape or popcorn in your face.

You love playing with balls. You think dribbling balls is hilarious, and you've learned how to roll the ball back and forth with Dada. The toilet brush and toilet are also on your favorites list. Sigh. You like to open drawers and pull everything out. And you love dumping toys out of bins as well. Unlike your brother, you don't seem scared of loud noises - you crawled right over to the vacuum the other day to investigate. You were pretty fascinated by the tree as well. You liked to pull off ornaments and chew on them. Luckily, we have plenty of soft ornaments to put near the bottom in reach of tiny hands.

Goodnight Moon is still your favorite book. Charlie has requested it recently, and once you hear me start reading, you always make a beeline to come over for story-time. Speaking of beelines, nothing gets you more excited than nap time. When you hear the water running, you cannot be held back.

Of course, as you get older, you also get more opinionated. You are still delightfully drama-free 95% of the time, but you have your moments. You get mad when you want to eat (I don't blame you), but you also get mad when you are done eating and want to get out of your highchair and move around. You have learned how to take your bib off and you love throwing your water sippy cup on the floor. Diaper changes have become a wrestling match, and there are still tears at bedtime pretty much every night. You've also been a little more resistant to getting buckled into your car seat lately, but once strapped in and moving, you're fine with it.

Birthday party planning has started in earnest. Less than two months to go!!

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