Whoa. Somehow we blew through weeks 34-37 and here we are full-term and quickly approaching due date. Everyone says the last weeks are the longest and hardest, but to me, the end is actually flying by. I think it's thanks in part to all the nesting I'm doing. I'm keeping busy rather than just waiting for baby.
My appointments of late have all been good. We are going in once a week at this point, but the midwives are very hands off so no exams to check for dilation progress. I don't mind this at all. None of that information changes when baby comes and the last thing I need is something to over-analyze. I'm perfectly content knowing what I do know, which is this:
Skippy dropped at the beginning of week 36 and he is still head down, but he threw us a little curve ball recently and scooted over to the right side of my belly. The difference between left and right doesn't seem like it would be a big deal, but it's not as ideal for him to be on the right - it can delay the onset of labor, prolong labor and increase my chances of having back labor. Eek! Obviously nobody wants any of those things so hopefully we can get him to move back over soon. I get to do some fun exercises over the next several days to make that happen, but even if he doesn't budge, not all is lost - many babies rotate during labor and the fact that he was very recently in an optimal position is a good sign that he has enough room and gumption to move back. It would have been just too easy for him to stay put! I'm officially waddling thanks to his dropped position, but I traded that in for easier breathing and the ability to eat full meals again so I'll take it.
I'm still sleeping pretty well and grateful for the rest. I know it might not last through the last couple of weeks, but sometimes I even sleep through the night. I have been getting up earlier, but I mostly blame the time change and earlier sunrise for that. Once the sun is up, this baby likes to get up too.
I know women everywhere may hate me for this, but I just don't mind being pregnant. I might even really like it. I've been grateful for a normal, healthy pregnancy with only mild discomforts. But even with the not so great pregnancy effects, I find myself being able to go with the flow. I know it must be all the hormones because it's not like me to be this easy-going. Not to mention that people say I'm nicer when I'm pregnant. Ha! I hope I haven't totally lost my sarcastic edge, but who knows what I'll be like when this inside baby becomes an outside baby. Anyway, it's been a sweet season of life and I've loved soaking in the experience. Is there anything cooler than growing a human life?
Thanksgiving dinner out with friends. |
We stayed here for Thanksgiving and went out for dinner with friends. Yep, we were totally those people, but I ordered all the traditional menu items (butternut squash soup, turkey/stuffing/gravy, and apple pie) and it was all really delicious. The rest of this week/weekend has been all about nesting. Jon has been incredibly busy at work lately, but with briefs filed and work travel over until January, I was more than ready to have an extra set of hands to help cross things off the baby to-do list.
We did all of our Christmas decorating - our outdoor lights are up, the tree is trimmed, and the house is looking rather festive. I was proud of myself for showing some restraint and leaving about 30-40% of my decorations in their boxes. Even I know my limitations, but there is just something really special about bringing this baby home to a cozy home. I'm mostly done with Christmas shopping too - now I just need to get everything wrapped and mailed.
More importantly, baby laundry is done (I've never washed so many tiny socks in my life), everything is put away and organized, and the nursery is finally completely finished. The hospital tour is done and my labor playlist with all my favorite Christmas songs is ready to go. Final must-haves have been purchased, the car seat is installed and the hospital bag will be packed within the next day or so (I've never spent so much time picking out an outfit and it wasn't even for me, but I can't blow my first parenting decision about what Skippy will wear home from the hospital). Whew. I thought we already had a lot done, but the these final little details seem to take the most time. By Sunday, we were both exhausted and enjoyed nice, long naps by the Christmas tree.
Skippy, we are almost all set for your arrival. Just give us a day or so to get the hospital bag all packed and then you can come anytime. We can't wait to meet you, and snuggle you, and bring you home. We already love you so much. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.