You know those times when you just really need a vacation? That's me right now. I've been at my new job for almost 5 months now. It's been a whirlwind as I learn the ropes and start to feel like I actually know what I'm doing. That's still hit or miss, but I really enjoy the work and I really, really enjoy that I can do the work from home....but, I need a break.

I mean, doesn't this Christmas market in Munich just look delightful?
This is the Google Chat conversation Jon and I had when I first made this discovery:
And later after Jon suggested another option:
The rest, as they say, is history. In just over 48 hours (eek! much to do before then), we are jumping the pond for a Christmas market adventure. Our itinerary is Vienna-Salzburg-Munich. There will be castles and palaces, music and tours, shopping and eating - lots and lots of eating - mulled wine, twinkling lights, markets and merriment.
I'm hoping to come back with lots of fun Christmas presents for family and friends, and hopefully some treasures for our own home. Of course, when we get back, it will be December and the mad rush to the most glorious holiday will officially begin so who knows how long it will be before I give you a proper update. If you want real time updates, I'll post some Instagram (ktlhardin) photos while we are away.
Happy Thanksgiving. This year, I am thankful for vacations. Travel and rest are good for the soul.
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